Here is the June Q&A stream video! As usual, thank you everyone for asking questions and watching.
Make sure to join our Discord community and check back next month for more...
TwoKinds Online Update 0.51.0 contains major graphical updates and performance improvements!
With this update, we changed our whole rendering pipeline using the new Universal Rendering...
It's June and time for another developer stream! We will be showing off some of the latest changes and answering questions live! As usual, you can ask questions now in the Discord #ask-the-devs...
Here is the May Q&A stream video! As usual, thank you everyone for asking questions and watching.
Make sure to join our discord community and check back next month for more Q&A!
Wow, May already? It's time for another developer stream on May 9th! We'll be streaming our progress and doing Q&A, so come watch and ask us questions! We will be answering questions from the
Posted on Monday, 04 May 2020
A small patch is out now! This cleans up the remains of the egg event and some bug fixes.
Here is the April Q&A stream video! As usual, thank you everyone for asking questions and watching.
Make sure to join our discord community and check back next month for more Q&A!
Welcome to the egg hunt! There are killer rabbits on the loose, and they need hunting.
To start, find the sign by the tavern.
Rabbits can be found with the foxes. You...
It was brought to my attention that there was a player desync issue, so this patch was pushed out quickly to fix it.
Hi everyone,
We will be meeting up in game after the developer stream, so stop by and say hi! We will be testing the load performance with multiple players, so the more the merrier.
...Hi everyone, we are going to do our third Ask The Developers Stream on April 11th! We'll be streaming a Q&A session, so come watch and ask us questions. We will have some announcements to make so ...
Bug fix update!
We are now tracking playtime on the character! You can see current playtime and deaths on the character page or by using the /playtime command.